Special Events

What: ASGA Monthly Social Meeting
Where: Rohan Rec Center, 850 Kristine Way, The Villages, Florida
When: 6:00 p.m. MARCH 25, 2025 – Doors Open: 5:30 p.m.

The evening begins with the Pledge of Allegiance and business portion of the evening.  In recognition of St. Patrick’s Day, Gourmet Today is catering a dinner of corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, green beans, rolls and dessert.

Following dinner, DJ Katie of SK Music Entertainment will begin the music portion with “I am Proud to Be an American”.   Katie is a regular performer at the Orange Blossom Opry.   Dance to doo wop music and several popular line dances.  Katie will develop a play list based on your song requests.  Send your requests to sharonostgaard@comcast.net by March 15th.

THE THEME IS 50’s and 60’s COSTUME ATTIRE or St. Patrick’s DayThose wearing a costume will receive a ticket for a special drawing (Not part of he 50/50 drawing).

BYOB and wear your name tag. All attendees must have their Villages ID for entrance to the sized Rec Center.

Members (Early Bird Special pay by 3/17/25) - $25

Members (beginning 3/18/25) - $30

Non-members - $35.00   

Early Bird Members - Click here to pay by PayPal

Nonmembers – Click here to pay by PayPal

Last Date to Pay – March 21

If you are paying for more than one person please send an email to villagesasga@gmail.com and let us know who so that we can add their names to the check-in list.

Click here to see if your payment was received. Please note that names are added to the list within 24 hours after we receive notice of payment from PayPal. If you think you paid but don’t see your name on the list, please check your email for your PayPal receipt before trying to pay again in order to avoid double payments.

NO REFUNDS. If a member has paid for an event and then is unable to attend or accidentally pays twice, it is his/her responsibility to find a replacement and arrange for the replacement to reimburse the member.

REMINDER: All attendees must have their Villages ID or Guest Pass with them for entrance.

Your 2025 Social Chair, Sharon Ostgaard, and the Steering Committee: Charlene Barton, Gary Carson, Allen Edmison, Sharon Hill, Mary Joy, Jack Parker


PLAY: 18-Hole Tournament at Nancy Lopez Golf Course

DATE: Sunday, March 30, 2025 - Afternoon Tee Times

COST: $10.00 Per Person (plus green fee)

STEP-ASIDE is a scramble tournament that requires 4 players and the committee will makeup the teams based on your Ghin or Quota Points.

Play ready golf! Keep up with the group in front of you. If you fall behind you will be asked to close the gap in front of you. If you cannot close the gap you will be asked to skip a hole and record a double bogey.

  1. The game is played as such. All players tee off from the designated tee box that you normally play from. (Ghin or Quota Points required).
  2. The team agrees on the best drive and only the 3 players whose drives were NOT used take the next shot. This continues all the way until the ball is holed.
  3. For a threesome, a ghost is used in rotation for the round, and the ghost is considered 1 of the 4 players and must have the required number of drives used. The second ball hit by the ghost player is always the ghost ball.
  4. Each player must use his/her drive for at least 3 holes for the team total, including the ghost.

Marcia Smith, Golf Chair

Click here to sign up for ASGA Step-Aside Tournament

Click here to pay the $10 entry fee. (You are not guaranteed a spot until you pay.) NO REFUNDS


ASGA Pickleball

ASGA-TV plays Pickleball (PB) every Wednesday and Friday.

ASGA-TV has reserved PB courts at Bacall RC every Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 - 1:50 pm for members and their guests.

YOLO (You Only Live Once) Club has reserved PB courts at 12 - 1:50 pm on Sunday at Saddlebrook RC and on Tuesday at Coconut Cove RC.

Come join us and YOLO for friendly PB games. ALL PB levels are welcome!

Peter Kierpiec, 😎
ASGA-TV PB Coordinator

Florida Cup

Every year one of Florida’s ASGA chapters hosts THE FLORIDA CUP. The September 2022 event was hosted by The Sarasota Chapter at the Streamsong Resort in Bowling Green, Florida. There were two tournaments each day: the Florida Cup competition and the scramble/shamble. Three Florida chapters of ASGA competed in the tournament with a 6 man and 6 woman team. All other golfers played in a scramble/shamble format each day for prizes in a mixed chapter foursome.

The Villages chapter won! (See more pictures on the photo page.)

The Florida Cup play between the chapters has been suspended for the indefinite future.
