Golf With ASGA
Someone once said that the only people who think that golf is an easy game are those who have never played. Our goal is to provide a venue in which everyone can enjoy the game. Some of our members come to The Villages with extensive golf experience. Others arrive here with the intent of taking up the game for the first time. It is not recommended for a beginner golfer to sign up for Championship golf without knowing the Rules of Golf and etiquette of the game, which is sometimes more important than knowing how to play. It is highly recommended that new golfers take a series of lessons from The Villages Golf Academy professionals ((352) 259-8121) ( or teaching professionals outside of The Villages before stepping onto a course. After receiving some instruction, it might be appropriate for the member to begin playing in one of our Executive golf groups.

ASGA Executive Golf
ASGA Executive Golf groups play on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays (from October to May). These events are normally followed by lunch at a venue selected by the event coordinator. The courses vary from week to week and are assigned by The Villages Tee Time System after the coordinator has requested tee times. After the courses and tee times are assigned, the coordinator will send an email with a link to the schedule.
The coordinator determines the type of game to be played. Sometimes it is a scramble or shamble; sometimes the lowest number of putts; and sometimes another creative, but fun, format. Normally $2 per person is collected, and prizes are awarded at the end.
ASGA Championship Golf
Our Chapter strongly suggests that members who want to play Championship golf with The Villages ASGA have a priority membership. This is to ensure we can obtain tee times throughout the year. Priority memberships are not required for Golf Events outside The Villages.
ASGA Championship golf is played on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday at The Villages Championship courses, with the exception of the 18 hole Saturday group, which plays outside the Villages. The Championship Priority groups normally play a Quota point system. Each player contributes $4.00 for a round. Prizes are awarded to players who score the highest number of points over their Quota, and also for players hitting closest to the pin on par 3’s. USGA rules are the basis for all of the Chapter’s golf.
From June to October we have a Nine and Dine at various country clubs every Friday except for the 2nd Friday . From November through April we offer a Nine and Dine at various country clubs on the first and third Fridays of each month. These are fun and friendly social golf events.
Click here for championship tee box rules
Click here to sign up for Monday Championship Golf
Click here to sign up for Thursday Championship Golf
Click here to sign up for Saturday Championship Golf
Click here to sign up for Friday’s Nine and Dine (May-October)
Click here to sign up for Friday's Nine and Dine (November -April)

Championship Golf Quota Points
The golf game played is "Quota," which is based on points awarded for scoring performance: 1 point for a Bogey, 2 points for a Par, 4 points for birdie, 8 points for an eagle. It takes 3 rounds of golf to establish a Quota point average. We use the last 5 rounds for an average. Once a member has established a quota average (3 rounds), he/she can start playing for prizes. Prize money paid out depends on the number of players.
ASGA Villages ‘No Show’ Policy
When a golfer cancels after foursomes are set, the Coordinator has to rework the lineup. When it happens the day of play it can cause major difficulties for the Coordinator and other players. We have the following ‘No Show’ policy to try and minimize this situation.
If a Golfer fails to show for a golf event, or if they cancel on the day of play, that Golfer will be noted as a ‘No Show’ to the Golf Chair and will be placed on a 1-week suspension from all ASGA golf events. If the No Show occurs on a Saturday the suspension will be 1-week plus the next ASGA Saturday event. An email will be sent to the Golfer and all Golf Coordinators with specific dates.
If the same Golfer has two No Shows in a 2-month period that Golfer will be placed on a 30-day suspension.
“But I didn’t sign up” … is sometimes the reason given by a Golfer for being a ‘No Show’. The spread sheet sign up system is open to everyone, so it is the responsibility of the Golfer to check their emails, scan the tee times, and verify if they are scheduled to play or not. YOU, the Golfer, are responsible, so check your emails!
And while we don’t want Golfers to cancel, we also don’t want people showing up sick and sharing their illness. PLEASE, if you are feeling unwell, be kind to your fellow golfers, cancel golf and stay home to recuperate.
We want the ASGA Villages golf experience to be fun for everyone, and we appreciate your assistance.
ASGA Villages Golf Chair